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Better Infrastructure

Misty knows infrastructure is not something you can see but is vitally important to our city’s growth and stability.  To hear many of her ideas, listen to the debates and interviews as she discusses these ideas. 



  • A solid infrastructure plan will be developed and aligned with the City’s budget with priorities for the entryways of Springfield.


  • Improve/build sidewalks to build continuity between neighborhoods.


  • Develop a strategy to prioritize improvements to the sewer system.


  • Revitalize the model for Ward Assignments for public works crews to stay on top of much-needed repairs to the City’s infrastructure to minimize calls from the citizens and begin to build out a real-time capital plan for large projects by utilizing the eyes of our city crews who are out in the city daily.


  • Explore creative ways to fund infrastructure improvements throughout the city.


  • Actively lobby state and federal support for our City.






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